Speakers Denise Jacobs Sparking creativity is her specialty. @denisejacobs denisejacobs.com Ethan Marcotte Started the whole responsive web design thing. @beep ethanmarcotte.com Aaron Gustafson Web Standards Evangelist. @aarongustafson aaron-gustafson.com Lyza Danger Gardner Lives, breathes, and dreams the mobile web. @lyzadanger lyza.com Margot Bloomstein Content, brand, and clarity. @mbloomstein appropriateinc.com Yesenia Perez-Cruz Smart & fast design for the real world. @yeseniaa yeseniaperezcruz.com Samantha Warren Visualizing your brand with Style Tiles. @samanthatoy samanthatoy.com Lisa Maria Martin Using your words to further your career. @redsesame thefutureislikepie.com Steve Fisher Face conflicts for more creative teams. @hellofisher hellofisher.com Smitha Prasadh Design and communication across cultures. @holasmitha smithaprasadh.com Patrick Fulton The intersection of punk rock and web design. @patrickfulton fultondesignstudio.com Sponsors Friends of Web Design Day